Ginger is one of the most commonly consumed dietary condiments in the world. Ginger is rich in vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, iron and zinc. Chemical and metabolic analyses have revealed that ginger comprises hundreds of compounds and metabolites. The oleoresin which is the oily resin from the rhizomes or roots of ginger contains many bioactive components. The most extensively studied bioactive components include gingerols and shogaols which is the primary pungent ingredient that is believed to exert a variety of remarkable pharmacological and physiological activities. Studies reveal that ginger exhibits a significant potential due to its antibiotic, antioxidant, hypoglycaemic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, lipid lowering, anti-parasitic, antiplatelet aggregation and chemo-preventive properties. Ginger has been reported to possess diverse pharmacological properties and use of ginger appears to be safe and its effects are mighty and amazing in its many applications.
There are many ways to take ginger, but one of the most pleasant ways is in tea. Ginger tea is one of the oldest medicinal drinks that can act as a health promoting tonic for the full body. Tea made from ginger has high levels of amino acids as well as various micro nutrients that gives it the healing effects. Ginger water or ginger tea is made by boiling fresh ginger root in water, with or without tea leaves and then straining the liquid. Additives such as lemon, mint or Indian basil are commonly used along in making ginger tea. Honey may be used as a sweetener for taste.
Ginger Tea Dissolves Kidney Stones
The kidneys flush water-soluble waste in response to water and electrolyte concentrations. Foods that support kidneys and a daily kidney cleanse as part of daily diet on a regular basis such as ginger tea is great as a kidney cleanse support. To support detoxification, drinking ginger teas, which are weak diuretics promote kidney detox without throwing electrolytes out of balance. Ginger has vitamin C, magnesium and other minerals that on regular consumption in the form of ginger tea can dissolve and prevent kidney stone formation. Ginger teas flush the kidneys and promote healthy blood pressure and also act as renal tonics to flush extra toxins and prevent bacteria build-up.
Ginger tea can have powerful effect on kidney functions. It’s been shown to increase the body’s natural antioxidants in the kidneys, lower renal inflammation, help remove toxins from the kidneys, reduce fibrosis in kidneys and help create healthier kidney tissues. Sipping ginger tea regularly can specifically help cure kidney problems.
This simple root herb when consumed as tea is a powerhouse for kidney detox. The antioxidants in ginger help neutralize unstable molecules known as free radicals. These molecules cause inflammation and damage to cells and tissues, including kidneys, when antioxidant intake is insufficient. Eating a diet too low in antioxidants increases oxidative stress in patients with kidney disease, reported the Journal of Renal Nutrition in 2012. The researchers concluded that it may be helpful to increase antioxidant intake naturally if you have kidney disease, since oxidative stress has a negative impact on kidney function.
Studies indicate that extracts of ginger, particularly the ethanol, resulted as an attractive candidate for the treatment of kidney stones induced by toxins through scavenging free radicals, improved kidney functions, inhibition of inflammatory mediators, and normalizing the kidney histopathological architecture.
Ginger Tea Cleanses Liver
Ginger cleanses the body by stimulating digestion, circulation and sweating. Its digestive actions may serve to cleanse the build-up of waste and toxins in various organs, most importantly, the liver. This action may protect against liver fibrosis which a form of degenerative scar formation. According to a study published in the June 2011 issue of the journal “Nutrition and Metabolism”, researchers tested several extracts of ginger and found that all extracts increased levels of important antioxidant enzymes used by the liver, including glutathione and superoxide dismutase. Thus, ginger has the capability to protect liver cells against damage by free radicals. Researchers concluded that ginger shows potential for use in the treatment of liver diseases.
Brewing a cup of ginger root tea is a simple, inexpensive practice that imparts a substantial health benefit to the liver. Of particular value to those with excessive fat in the liver, ginger possesses several therapeutic qualities that can prevent or even reverse fatty liver disease. According to a study published in the January 2011 edition of the World Journal of Gastroenterology, ginger may protect against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) which is associated with obesity and insulin resistance. The researchers believe that ginger may help prevent or treat this liver condition by reducing oxidative stress on the liver, decreasing insulin resistance and inhibiting inflammation.
- Ginger may help protect liver from toxic effects of drugs
- Ginger may help slow down aging-related liver damage
- It may protect from the detrimental effects of heavy metals
- Protects the liver from scarring and fat accumulation
Ginger Tea Kills Cancer Cells
Excess production of free radicals can harm the body and lead to DNA damage responsible for many chronic illnesses, including cancer. The presence of free radicals and oxidative stress are often associated with cancer and a common mechanism often put forth to explain the actions and health benefits of ginger is associated with its antioxidant properties. Several reports indicate that ginger suppresses lipid peroxidation and protects the levels of reduced glutathione. The mechanisms proposed to explain the anticancer activities of ginger and its components include antioxidant activity and the ability to induce apoptosis, decrease proliferation and induce cell-cycle arrest. The antioxidant effects of 6-shogaol especially are helpful for reducing free radical damage and lowering the chances of getting cancer. These elements are also responsible for controlling various kinds of cancers. Studies have shown that ginger may even cure breast cancer and control other cancers such as colorectal, gastric, ovarian, liver, skin and prostate cancers. The anticancer potential of ginger is well documented and its functional ingredients like gingerols and Shogaol are the valuable ingredients which can prevent various cancers.
These impressive findings show just how powerful this common spice really is. Thus, for a relatively low cost and minimal effort, incorporating ginger root tea as a routine can help improve overall health and promote optimal function. Before adding more ginger to the diet or taking a ginger supplement, consult a healthcare provider. A supplement may interact with medications or cause other health complications. Although ginger root is considered extremely safe, it is not for everyone. Certain sensitive individuals may experience side effects such as heartburn, diarrhoea and mouth irritation. In addition, those with a bleeding disorder or anyone taking blood thinners, diabetes medications or high blood pressure medications are advised to discuss daily ginger tea consumption with their physician.